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Accountability | Virginia

On 9/11 Anniversary, Rep. Scott Taylor Invited Another Terrorist Attack in Social Media Post

By on September 11, 2018.

Three years ago, on the 14th anniversary of 9/11, Rep. Scott Taylor was on a flight from Boston to Washington when he when he posted a selfie on Instagram suggesting he would be able to stop a terrorist attempting to hijack the plane.

Accountability | Virginia

Taylor Falsely Claims He Was Out of Town When Campaign Submitted Forged Signatures

By on September 5, 2018.

Rep. Scott Taylor falsely claimed he was more than 150 miles away from his district when his campaign staffers collected more than 50 fraudulent signatures to place an independent candidate on the ballot who they hoped would smooth his path to re-election.

Accountability | Virginia

Former Trump Appointee Tied to White Supremacists Gave to Brat’s Campaign

By on September 4, 2018.

A Trump administration appointee who recently resigned in the wake of a report outlining his ties to white supremacists is a campaign donor to Rep. David Brat, R-Va., according to campaign records reviewed by the American Ledger.

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