In new audio from yesterday, GOP Virginia Delegate Glenn Davis stated on the John Fredericks radio show that he will not support legislation limiting the amount of ammunition in high-capacity gun magazines, calling it a ā€œfalse solution.ā€

ā€œThe problem with — looking at the magazines — it’s.. I guess a false solution,ā€ Davis said. ā€œThereā€™s a lot of things that can make a difference. The number of rounds in a magazine is not one of them.ā€

Davisā€™ refusal comes after a gunman killed 12 civilians in Virginia Beach in June using a gun loaded with the same high-capacity magazines that potential legislation proposes limiting. Davis’ — who currently represents the Virginia House of Delegates 84th District — opposition likely stems from his support from the NRA which has spent over $200,000 supporting efforts to reelect Davis and fellow Republicans.

Critics are likely to argue Davis is putting the interest of the NRA above the safety of his district.

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