Accountability | Virginia
GOP Virginia Delegate Glenn Davis Dismisses Limiting High-Capacity Magazines as a “False Solution”
By Cole Driver on September 18, 2019.

In new audio from yesterday, GOP Virginia Delegate Glenn Davis stated on the John Fredericks radio show that he will not support legislation limiting the amount of ammunition in high-capacity gun magazines, calling it a “false solution.”
“The problem with -- looking at the magazines -- it's.. I guess a false solution,” Davis said. “There’s a lot of things that can make a difference. The number of rounds in a magazine is not one of them.”
Accountability | Virginia
Virginia Del. Glenn Davis Got 93% of Contributions from Special Interests
By Cole Driver on April 25, 2019.
Virginia state Del. Glenn Davis reported hauling in $14,400 in fundraising contributions between January and March, but less than 7 percent of that came from individuals. The rest came from PACs, businesses and lobbying firms, deepening Davis’ reliance on special-interest money for his re-election campaign.