Interior Didn’t Disclose Zinke’s Trip to Istanbul, Where He Has Ties to Turkish Interests

Facing criticism of secrecy around Secretary Ryan Zinke’s schedule, the Interior Department pledged in early August it would release his calendar every week. It lasted all of three weeks.
Bannon: Trump Was ‘Bad Father,’ ‘Terrible First Husband,’ ‘Terrible Boss That Grabbed You by the Pussy’

In explicit terms, Steve Bannon acknowledged that Donald Trump was the “perfect foil” for feminists and women in the #MeToo era, according to Bob Woodward’s forthcoming book about the Trump White House.
EPA Chief Cited as Key Ally in Painting Climate Change As ‘Hoax’

The acting administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency was a key ally in the conservative fight to paint climate change as a hoax, according to a book by a senator leading that effort.
Accountability | North Dakota
Cramer’s Proposed Funding Cuts Would Shutter ND’s Rural Airports

During Washington budget negotiations last year, Rep. Kevin Cramer called for eliminating a federal program that provides funding to keep open rural airports his constituents depend on in rural North Dakota and Minnesota.
Accountability | Virginia
Taylor Falsely Claims He Was Out of Town When Campaign Submitted Forged Signatures

Rep. Scott Taylor falsely claimed he was more than 150 miles away from his district when his campaign staffers collected more than 50 fraudulent signatures to place an independent candidate on the ballot who they hoped would smooth his path to re-election.
Accountability | Virginia
Former Trump Appointee Tied to White Supremacists Gave to Brat’s Campaign

A Trump administration appointee who recently resigned in the wake of a report outlining his ties to white supremacists is a campaign donor to Rep. David Brat, R-Va., according to campaign records reviewed by the American Ledger.
Accountability | Montana
Rosendale Courts White Supremacists in Rapid Rise

As Matt Rosendale rose to prominence in Montana politics, he repeatedly leaned on Facebook groups trafficking in extremist and racist rhetoric and campaigned alongside white supremacist and anti-gay leaders to bolster his career. During Rosendale’s rise from an obscure state legislator to state auditor and now the GOP nominee for Senate, he was an administrator of a 95,000-member Facebook group where conservatives share racist and incendiary posts.