Accountability | Florida
DeSantis Staffer and Trump Delegate Was Active Member of Racist Facebook Group

A member of Rep. Ron DeSantis’s campaign shared racist and anti-Islamic posts on Facebook and was a member of a vitriolic conservative group that DeSantis joined earlier this year while running for the GOP nomination for Florida governor. He compared students advocating for gun control after Florida school shooting to “Jews that gave up their firearms to Hitler” and then “led into gas chambers.” In the group, called Tea Party, he called Muslims "animals." Accusations of racial insensitivity have dogged DeSantis since almost immediately after he won the primary on Aug. 28 on the back of a Trump endorsement.
Corruption & Secrecy | California
Dismissing Russia Investigation, Rohrabacher Charges U.S. with Election Interference, Too: ‘We Meddle in Theirs, They Meddle in Ours’

Rep. Dana Rohrabacher doesn’t see anything special about Russia’s meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Accountability | Florida
DeSantis Featured As Member of Vitriolic Facebook Group Since 2015

The people running a hate-filled Facebook group that Rep. Ron DeSantis moderated tagged the congressman at least 17 times since 2015 and referred to him as an active administrator of the group on several occasions.
Accountability | Pennsylvania
After Employee Died on the Job, Scott Wagner’s Company Was Fined for Workplace Safety Violations

Pennsylvania state Sen. Scott Wagner’s company was fined for workplace safety violations last year after an employee died on the job, according to previously undisclosed records obtained by American Ledger.
Accountability | Florida
DeSantis Moderates Hate-Filled Facebook Group That Attacks African-Americans, Parkland Survivors and Muslims

As Ron DeSantis fought back against accusations his use of the word "monkey" when talking about his African-American opponent was racist, it was uncovered that DeSantis is an administrator on an active Facebook group where conservatives share racist, conspiratorial and incendiary posts.
Accountability | California
Duncan Hunter, Who Couldn’t Live on $174K a Year, Wants to Raise the Retirement Age to 72

Rep. Duncan Hunter, who went repeatedly broke on a $174,000 salary and allegedly stole funds from his campaign to fund his lavish lifestyle, doesn’t think Americans waiting at least five more years to get Social Security or Medicare benefits would be a big deal.
Accountability | Nevada
Heller’s Campaign Hasn’t Had Legally Required State License for 5 Years

Sen. Dean Heller’s re-election campaign has been operating without a legally required state license since 2013, leading to mounting fines and raising questions about whether his campaign is authorized to exist in Nevada.