Health Care | Pennsylvania
Trump Lawsuit Could Skyrocket Healthcare Costs, Kick 858,000 Pennsylvanians Off Insurance

As President Trump travels to Pennsylvania on Thursday for a Fox News town hall, the Supreme Court has signaled it will hear the case for a Trump-backed lawsuit that could potentially strip millions from their health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act, including over 850,000 Pennsylvanians.
campaign | Corruption & Secrecy | Maine
Collins Continues to Abuse Taxpayer Resources To Promote Reelection Campaign

Last week, in yet another potential violation of Senate ethics rules, Sen. Susan Collins sent an official government staffer to a private GOP fundraising event in Washington County, Maine to implore its attendees to support Collin’s reelection campaign. The potential violation comes after numerous other allegations of ethics violations have dogged Senator Collins and her government work for more than one year.
“Dangerous Incompetence” at White House Leaves Trump Administration Reeling Over Coronavirus Response

The White House is scrambling to adequately address the looming threat of the Coronavirus throughout the continental United States, prompting accusations of “dangerous incompetence” and bipartisan backlash to what is being increasingly seen as a blundered response to growing public concern. New reports indicate the White House is now considering appointing a “czar” to coordinate the government’s response to the looming crisis -- in other words, filling the vacancy that Trump himself created when he fired the majority of the pandemic response chain of command -- prompting further questions about what, if anything, Trump has done to date to properly prepare the country in the face of an imminent threat.
Corruption & Secrecy
Trump Campaign Re-Hires Firm Paid By Accused Money Launderers

According to a review by American Ledger, Trump’s reelection campaign has re-hired Belmont Strategies, a digital consulting firm that was recently revealed to have been working with accused campaign money launders Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman.
Accountability | New Hampshire
Sununu Puts Trump’s Wall Ahead Of New Hampshire’s Economy, Workers

With New Hampshire jobs and economic vitality on the line, Gov. Chris Sununu is remaining silent amid the Pentagon’s recent announcement that it intends to cut $223 million from the Marine Corps F-35 program to fund the president’s wall at the Southern border.
Accountability | Colorado
Report: Trump to Stick Colorado Springs Taxpayers With Bill for Campaign Rally

Trump is set to roll into Colorado Springs for an expensive campaign stump on Feb. 20 and not pay a cent for his visit, according to a report by the Colorado Springs Independent.
In 2016, Trump made three separate appearances to campaign in Colorado Springs - before going on to lose the state in November - and never paid a single bill back to the city for the cost incurred to host his campaign.
Accountability | North Carolina
Alleged Military Champion Dan Forest Puts Trump’s Wall Before 4,000 North Carolina Workers

Despite his campaign charge to “Make North Carolina the Nation’s No.1 Military-Friendly State,” gubernatorial candidate Dan Forest is remaining silent amid the Pentagon’s recent announcement that it intends to slash $223 million from the Marine Corps F-35 program to bankroll the president’s wall at the Southern border.
The F-35 program - which builds fighter jets used by many branches of the military - plays a key role in supporting the North Carolina economy. As of 2019, the F-35 program employed over 4,000 jobs at Fleet Readiness Center East, the largest industrial employer in Eastern NC.