Accountability | Michigan
Trump’s COVID-19 Leadership Created Economic Catastrophe In Michigan

As the United States enters what looks to be a prolonged financial recession, Michiganders are feeling the pain of President Donald Trump’s catastrophic failure to lead the nation through the COVID-19 crisis.
Accountability | Pennsylvania
Biden’s Public Service, Pennsylvania Roots Contrast Trump’s Inherited Wealth and Chaotic Presidency

With less than five months until the general election, more and more of the rural and small-town Pennsylvanians who voted for Donald Trump in 2016 are turning away from the President and towards former Vice President Joe Biden. Recent polling shows the VP with a commanding, 10-point lead in Pennsylvania. Voters in Pennsylvania are done with President Trump’s chaotic, weak, and divisive leadership, and they are responding positively to Joe Biden’s life experience and dignified record in public service.
Trump Decided China Needed 17.8 Tons of Medical Supplies. Americans Now Face Deadly Shortages.

In early February, the Trump Administration reportedly shipped 17.8 tons of American Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) medical supplies to China as health care workers in this country were coming under an increased shortage of vital materials due to the COVID-19 crisis.
The shipment of materials to...
Trump’s Economic Task Force Loaded With Conflicts of Interests, CEO Mega-Donors

According to new FEC filings, several CEOs appointed by President Trump to help manage the White House task force to reopen the country previously donated millions to underwrite the president’s reelection campaign, raising questions about the ability of wealthy donors to buy access to influence federal policy during the COVID-19 crisis.
Accountability | Virginia
Trump Hits the Links While Coronavirus Ravages America

According to reporting by the Washington Post, in late March the Secret Service signed a $45,000 contract to rent fleet golf carts in Northern Virginia near one of the president’s frequently visited golf courses in Sterling. Although the contract does not list the president by name in the rental, it is a near carbon copy of the previous orders used by the Secret Service for Trump’s golf visits in Florida and New Jersey.
Accountability | Michigan
Report: New Revelations Expose Trump’s Deepening Coronavirus Failure in Michigan

According to a new report from the Wall Street Journal, as late as February 2020 Trump’s General Services Administration (GSA) was auctioning off cases of N95 masks that are now in national shortage for health care workers who are treating coronavirus patients. This comes mere days after the president created the coronavirus task force and calls into question Trump’s control over the process and lack of concern he took regarding the fatal virus.
Corruption & Secrecy | New York
REPORT: While Downplaying Coronavirus Concerns Publicly, Trump Privately Urged Major Donor to Flee NYC

According to real estate sources as reported by the New York Post, President Donald Trump recently urged one of his major donors, 78-year-old real estate developer Stanley Chera, to “decamp to Deal, …saying it would be ‘safer’ than New York City,”...