Economy | Pennsylvania
Under Trump, Pennsylvania’s Fracking, Steel, and Coal Jobs Down

According to an analysis of economic data since early 2017, jobs in Pennsylvania’s coal, fracking, and steel industries have declined during President Donald Trump’s time in office despite his extensive promises on the 2016 campaign trail to preserve them.
Economy | Kansas
Roger Marshall Talks Tough on China, Profits off of Chinese Corporation Alibaba

According to a review by American Ledger, Kansas GOP Senate candidate Roger Marshall bought and sold thousands of dollars of stock in the Chinese conglomerate Alibaba while repeatedly attacking the Chinese government and companies for their questionable practices.
Trump Ad Uses Obama-Era Manufacturing Jobs Numbers; Companies Have Outsourced Under Trump

According to a review by American Ledger, a recent Trump campaign ad touts the return of 73,000 manufacturing jobs during Trump’s time in office but references a USA Today article that cites data from 2010-2018, an 8 year period that consists of 6 years of the Obama-Biden administration and only 2 years of Trump. Several of the companies mentioned in the article have actually closed manufacturing plants during President Trump’s time in office and are outsourcing jobs as a direct result of Trump’s trade and economic policies.
Moody’s Report: Biden’s Economic Agenda Better for Jobs, Growth Than Trump’s

According to a recent report by Moody’s Analytics, one of the most esteemed economic research organizations in the country, Joe Biden and the Democratic Party’s proposed economic agenda will lead to a significantly more robust and stronger economy than one under a second term of President Donald Trump.Â
FLASHBACK: Trump Praises Outsourcing

According to a review by American Ledger, President Donald Trump repeatedly defended the practice of outsourcing, or shipping American jobs overseas, during his business career and campaign for president despite claiming to be a champion of American manufacturing opposed to unfair trade deals.
In 2005, Trump wrote a blog for...
Coronavirus | Arizona
Arizona GOP Lawmakers Brophy McGee, Gray, Mesnard Gutted Unemployment Benefits Before Pandemic

According to a review by American Ledger, GOP lawmakers in the Arizona Legislature passed legislation to weaken public benefits, harming part-time workers and exacerbating the significant economic pain unleashed by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Economy | Iowa
Ernst Sits Idle as Iowa Farmers Lose Aid to Maine Lobstermen

According to a review by American Ledger, Republican Iowa Senator Joni Ernst stood on the sidelines and even praised Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue as he continues to gut Iowa's suffering ethanol industry by diverting resources to other states.