Economy | Minnesota
Minnesota Rep. Jim Hagedorn Falsely Claims No American Goes to Sleep Hungry

Ignoring the reality for the millions in his own state who struggle to put food on the table, U.S. Rep. Jim Hagedorn, R-Minn., said Tuesday that he believes no American goes to bed hungry.
Accountability | Virginia
Virginia Del. Glenn Davis Got 93% of Contributions from Special Interests
Virginia state Del. Glenn Davis reported hauling in $14,400 in fundraising contributions between January and March, but less than 7 percent of that came from individuals. The rest came from PACs, businesses and lobbying firms, deepening Davis’ reliance on special-interest money for his re-election campaign.
Accountability | Virginia
State Sen. Amanda Chase Says Police Report About Her Profane Exchange with Officer was ‘Partisan’ Hit

Virginia state Sen. Amanda Chase refuted a Capitol Police report that described an incident in which she profanely castigated an officer over parking last month, suggesting — with no evidence — that it was written with partisan motives.
Accountability | Kentucky
Bevin Goes to Court to Hide Investigations into Sexual-Misconduct Allegations

Courts in Kentucky have had to step in recently on three occasions -- two of them this month -- to compel Gov. Matt Bevin’s administration to release records about sexual harassment investigations.
Accountability | Arizona
McSally Didn’t Disclose Employers of Donors Who Have Given Her $2 Million Since 2017

Sen. Martha McSally’s last fundraising report did not disclose employment information for 84 different donors who contributed more than $60,000, adding to the $2.1 million reported without such information in the last two years and rehashing an issue from a past campaign that resulted in an audit by the Federal Election Commission.
Accountability | Virginia
State Senator Reported Just 1 Contribution from a Human Being, and He’s Not Even a Constituent
A Virginia state senator hauled in more than $44,000 for his re-election efforts in the first quarter of this year, but he reported that only $200 of that — less than 0.5 percent — came from a real, live human being.
Accountability | Louisiana
Despite Labeling Himself ‘Outsider,’ Gov. Candidate Eddie Rispone Has Long Been a GOP Insider

Louisiana gubernatorial candidate Eddie Rispone has painted himself as a "conservative outsider," but campaign-finance records show that he has contributed millions of dollars to Republicans in the past two decades.