Accountability | Michigan
GOP Millionaire John James Says Washington Doesn’t Need More Millionaire Politicians
By Chai Karve on August 5, 2020.

Michigan GOP Senate candidate John James has frequently spouted the campaign tagline “we don’t need more millionaires in Washington.” But according to a review by American Ledger, James is a millionaire who inherited his wealth from his father’s company and trust fund, suggesting the talking point he frequently uses on the campaign trail is far from genuine.
Accountability | Michigan
John James Repeatedly Called to Terminate The Affordable Care Act, Slash Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions
By Cole Driver on November 19, 2019.

In a video posted to Youtube, Michigan Republican John James repeatedly called for the dismantling of the Affordable Care Act, even going as far as labeling the law a “monstrosity,” which protects millions of Americans living with pre-existing conditions from discrmination by their health insurance provider.
“Our failure to repeal and replace Obamacare is the surest sign that we need new conservative leadership in Washington,”James said in Nov., 2017. “Someone who will go and work their tail off to remove this monstrosity.”
Accountability | Michigan
Michigan Senate Republican Hopeful Once Questioned Women’s Capacity for Leadership at Men-Only Gathering
By Cole Driver on June 6, 2019.

Speaking at a men’s-only event earlier last year, Michigan Republican John James questioned women’s capacity for leadership, alleging that “women want men who have been tested” and that men had a “charge to lead.”
Accountability | Michigan
James Took $20K From Former Executive Accused of Demanding Sex From Employee

John James took more than $20,000 in campaign contributions from a former medical-research executive accused of demanding sex from an employee and fathering two of her children before firing her.
Accountability | Michigan
James Questions Women’s Capacity for Leadership at Men-Only Gathering

Speaking at a men’s-only event earlier this year, Michigan Republican John James questioned women's capacity for leadership, alleging that “women want men who have been tested” and that men had a “charge to lead.”