Accountability | Michigan
Schuette Embarrassed by ‘Creepy’ Video of Coquettish Comments Toward Female Reporter
By on October 12, 2018. Last edited January 31, 2019.

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette said Thursday he was embarrassed by a viral video of him speaking suggestively to a female interviewer while he was a member of Congress nearly 30 years ago. In the 1989 video, Schuette, now the Republican nominee for governor, adjusted his tie and licked his lips as he spoke with an off-camera woman positioning him for an interview. “I will be happy to move closer to the lamp,” Schuette told her. “I will do anything you want. Some things I may not let you run the camera on.”
Accountability | Michigan
Schuette Enters Homestretch Fighting Constituents He Falsely Accused of Fraud

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette will enter the final month of his campaign for governor with his office arguing in court that Michiganders whom the state falsely accused of unemployment fraud aren’t entitled to damages.
Accountability | Michigan
James Took $20K From Former Executive Accused of Demanding Sex From Employee

John James took more than $20,000 in campaign contributions from a former medical-research executive accused of demanding sex from an employee and fathering two of her children before firing her.
Accountability | Michigan
James Questions Women’s Capacity for Leadership at Men-Only Gathering

Speaking at a men’s-only event earlier this year, Michigan Republican John James questioned women's capacity for leadership, alleging that “women want men who have been tested” and that men had a “charge to lead.”