Accountability | Minnesota
Hagedorn: Food Insecure Minnesotans, Children Should “Fend For Themselves”
By Cole Driver on February 10, 2020.

Last Monday, in response to a question at a town hall in Spring Valley, Minnesota, U.S. Rep Jim Hagedorn, R-Minn., stated that food insecure Minnesotans should “fend for themselves,” instead of relying on programs such as SNAP and free and reduced school lunch programs.
Economy | Minnesota
Minnesota Rep. Jim Hagedorn Falsely Claims No American Goes to Sleep Hungry
By Cole Driver on April 29, 2019. Last edited February 20, 2020.

Ignoring the reality for the millions in his own state who struggle to put food on the table, U.S. Rep. Jim Hagedorn, R-Minn., said Tuesday that he believes no American goes to bed hungry.
Public Safety | Minnesota
GOP Congressman Blamed Mass Shootings on Antidepressants
Rep. Jason Lewis, R-Minn., said antidepressants cause mass shootings and has also pinned gun violence on immigration, terrorism, racism, gang culture and so-called gun-free zones. But one thing Lewis doesn’t believe causes gun violence is guns. In the wake of many of the high-profile mass shootings during the past decade, the Lewis took to Twitter or his radio show to express anger toward politicians who called for restrictions to gun access while theorizing that many factors — but not guns — were responsible.
Health Care | Minnesota
Paulsen Took Campaign Cash From OxyContin Maker Being Sued by Minnesota

Rep. Erik Paulsen, R-Minn., is one of the few candidates still taking Purdue’s money, accepting $1,000 this election cycle even as his state takes legal action against the company for downplaying the risks and pushing higher doses of OxyContin.