Public Safety | Missouri
Governor Parson Put Donor’s Interests Ahead of Addressing Violent Crime
By Chai Karve on October 8, 2020.

Instead of answering calls to hold a special session of the Missouri Legislature to address steadily rising violent crime in 2019, Governor Mike Parson opted to pass tax credits that benefitted a donor who had contributed over $100,000 to his reelection. Parson’s failure to address violent crime in 2019 is sharply at odds with his reelection campaign that is attempting to place him on the side of law and order.
Health Care | Missouri
Parson Ad Featured an Executive Whose Company Hawked Fake COVID-19 Cures
By Chai Karve on September 16, 2020.

According to a review by American Ledger, Republican Governor Mike Parson released a campaign ad featuring an executive for a multi-level marketing company that was rebuked by the Federal Trade Commission for unlawfully advertising fake products that claimed to cure COVID-19.
The ad features Christy Shawan, a Regional Vice...
Health Care | Missouri
As a State Legislator, Parson Repeatedly Attempted To Block Missourians’ Access To Affordable Health Care
By Chai Karve on September 10, 2020.

On three separate occasions during his time as a State Senator, GOP Missouri Governor Mike Parson attempted to ram through a series of health care bills specifically designed to prevent low-income Missourians from enrolling in the Affordable Care Act exchange.
Accountability | Missouri
Parson Trumpets Success as Missouri Hospitals Enter Costly Bidding War for Protective Supplies
By Cole Driver on April 15, 2020.

In a press conference on April 14, Missouri Governor Mike Parson claimed his administration has met the personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements of hospital and health care workers “day after day,” despite reports of an ongoing shortage of the materials as coronavirus spreads throughout the state.
Accountability | Missouri
Hawley Worked Five Hours a Week While DC Political Consultants Ran His Office

The night Josh Hawley was elected attorney general of Missouri in 2016, he promised to clean up Jefferson City and told voters he wouldn’t become another ladder-climbing politician. Within weeks, Hawley was skipping office hours and outsourcing government work to out-of-state political consultants. Within seven months, he was running for higher office.