Accountability | North Carolina
NC Republican Gubernatorial Hopeful Dan Forest Endorsed Racist Supreme Court Justice
By Cole Driver on July 18, 2019.

In a closed-door fundraiser on Tuesday, Paul Newby, a North Carolina Supreme Court Justice endorsed by Lt. Governor Dan Forest, echoed Trump’s line of racist remarks on four U.S. Congresswomen of color, saying “I will buy you a ticket to leave. I mean just leave.”
Newby’s remarks came just one day before Donald Trump’s rally in Greenville, North Carolina, where he was met with chants of “send her back,” in reference to his high-profile attacks on freshman Congresswoman Ilhan Omar this week, the first Somali-born American in history elected to U.S. Congress.
Immigration | Arizona
These 12 GOP Senators Jeopardized $2.6B in Military Funding for Their States to Build Trump’s Wall

The Pentagon on Monday released a list of $6.8 billion worth of military-construction projects that could be scuttled to pay for President Donald Trump’s border wall, posing political issues for Republican senators who could see bases in their home states lose hundreds of millions of dollars. More than $2.6 billion of that funding would come from 12 states where Republican senators who supported Trump’s declaration are facing re-election next year.
Accountability | North Carolina
Mark Harris’ Son Shreds Claim There Were No Red Flags About Felon Campaign Consultant

Mark Harris’ repeated claims that he had no reason to suspect his campaign consultant’s absentee-ballot scheme was illegal were blown apart Wednesday after his son, an assistant U.S. attorney in North Carolina, testified that he raised red flags with his nearly two years ago.