Accountability | North Carolina
Thom Tillis’ Ex-Wife Cites “Cruel and Inhuman Treatment” in Divorce Documents
By Chai Karve on October 7, 2020.

According to court filings obtained by American Ledger, North Carolina Republican Senator Thom Tillis’ ex-wife alleged “cruel and inhuman treatment” by Tillis, raising questions about the reasons surrounding the couple’s eventual divorce. In Tennessee, where the couple was married, “cruel and inhuman treatment” legally includes domestic violence, adultery, emotional or verbal abuse, and sexual assault.
Accountability | North Carolina
Thom Tillis Promotes Hydroxychloroquine While Holding Stock In Its Producer
By Cole Driver on April 30, 2020.

North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis has been promoting a dangerous and untested “miracle” drug, Hydroxychloroquine - which has not proven effective in remedying coronavirus - as he holds a major financial stake in several of its pharmaceutical producers, including Sanofi and Novartis.
Accountability | North Carolina
Tillis Has Long History of Voting to Cut Medicare, Social Security
By Cole Driver on March 5, 2020.

In an interview with CNBC in January, President Donald Trump made clear his intent to cut Medicare and Social Security should he be reelected to a second term. “At some point they will be,” Trump said. “At the right time, we will take a look at that.”
Immigration | Arizona
These 12 GOP Senators Jeopardized $2.6B in Military Funding for Their States to Build Trump’s Wall

The Pentagon on Monday released a list of $6.8 billion worth of military-construction projects that could be scuttled to pay for President Donald Trump’s border wall, posing political issues for Republican senators who could see bases in their home states lose hundreds of millions of dollars. More than $2.6 billion of that funding would come from 12 states where Republican senators who supported Trump’s declaration are facing re-election next year.