Trump Properties Flouted Coronavirus Quarantine Guidelines

Despite warnings by federal and local authorities, a litany of Trump-owned properties flouted Coronavirus guidelines days, even weeks, after the crisis had begun rapidly intensifying across the U.S.
Accountability | Colorado
Gardner’s Office Was A Revolving Door For Corporate, Pharma Lobbyists

Over the course of Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner’s public career, a dozen of his staffers beelined from his office into high-paying corporate lobbying roles - including stints lobbying for pharmaceutical giants such as GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca - raising suspicions about Gardner’s continued silence on issues like capping prescription drug prices.
Accountability | Montana
Daines Helped Expand Chinese Business as it Fired American Workers

During the 1990s, Montana Sen. Steve Daines helped run a manufacturing plant for Procter & Gamble in China as the organization fired thousands of American workers to help fund its shift to international ventures.
Accountability | Pennsylvania
In Scranton, President Trump Doubles Down On Threat to Slash Medicare & Social Security

In a town hall on Fox News in Scranton, Pennsylvania last night, President Donald Trump admitted - for the second time in recent months - that he will seek to cut Medicare and Social Security if reelected to a second term.
Accountability | North Carolina
Tillis Has Long History of Voting to Cut Medicare, Social Security

In an interview with CNBC in January, President Donald Trump made clear his intent to cut Medicare and Social Security should he be reelected to a second term. “At some point they will be,” Trump said. “At the right time, we will take a look at that.”
Accountability | Arizona
McSally Repeatedly Voted to Cut Medicare and Social Security

In an interview with CNBC in January, President Donald Trump made clear his intent to cut Medicare and Social Security should he be reelected to a second term. “At some point they will be,” Trump said. “At the right time, we will take a look at that.”
Trump Refuses to Hire Government Watchdogs That Protect Whistleblowers

According to a review by American Ledger, President Trump has, to date, refused to hire six Inspectors General throughout his administration who are tasked with overseeing the complaints of whistleblowers that come forward with allegations of wrongdoing against the federal government.