Accountability | North Carolina
Thom Tillis Promotes Hydroxychloroquine While Holding Stock In Its Producer
By Cole Driver on April 30, 2020.

North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis has been promoting a dangerous and untested “miracle” drug, Hydroxychloroquine - which has not proven effective in remedying coronavirus - as he holds a major financial stake in several of its pharmaceutical producers, including Sanofi and Novartis.
Trump Decided China Needed 17.8 Tons of Medical Supplies. Americans Now Face Deadly Shortages.
By American Ledger Team on April 24, 2020.

In early February, the Trump Administration reportedly shipped 17.8 tons of American Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) medical supplies to China as health care workers in this country were coming under an increased shortage of vital materials due to the COVID-19 crisis.
The shipment of materials to...
Accountability | Texas
Dallas-Area GOP Lawmakers Left Nursing Homes Defenseless Against COVID-19
By Cole Driver on April 23, 2020.

In 2017, as Texas faced a nursing home staffing crisis, three Dallas-area GOP State Representatives, Angie Chen Button (Dist. 112), Jeff Leach (Dist. 67), and Matt Shaheen (Dist. 66) voted against a critical bill that would have availed new funding to nursing homes, allowing them to hire staff and increase wages.
Accountability | Missouri
Parson Trumpets Success as Missouri Hospitals Enter Costly Bidding War for Protective Supplies
By Cole Driver on April 15, 2020.

In a press conference on April 14, Missouri Governor Mike Parson claimed his administration has met the personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements of hospital and health care workers “day after day,” despite reports of an ongoing shortage of the materials as coronavirus spreads throughout the state.