Accountability | Pennsylvania
In Scranton, President Trump Doubles Down On Threat to Slash Medicare & Social Security

In a town hall on Fox News in Scranton, Pennsylvania last night, President Donald Trump admitted - for the second time in recent months - that he will seek to cut Medicare and Social Security if reelected to a second term.
Health Care | Pennsylvania
Trump Lawsuit Could Skyrocket Healthcare Costs, Kick 858,000 Pennsylvanians Off Insurance

As President Trump travels to Pennsylvania on Thursday for a Fox News town hall, the Supreme Court has signaled it will hear the case for a Trump-backed lawsuit that could potentially strip millions from their health care coverage under the Affordable Care Act, including over 850,000 Pennsylvanians.
Accountability | Kentucky
Fact Check: Deceitful Republican Governors Association Ad Misleads on Beshear’s Healthcare Record

Last week, in a last ditch effort to bolster Gov. Matt Bevin’s reelection campaign, the Republican Governors Association released an ad deceitfully implying that Kentucky Attorney General Andy Beshear is currently supporting a “government take over of healthcare,” without any shred of evidence.
The ad makes the claim while flashing pictures of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders on the screen. But according to a review by American Ledger, the evidence supporting this claim is virtually nonexistent, making the RGA’s new ad an apparent attempt to defraud Kentucky voters with blatantly false information.
Health Care | Wisconsin
Lawsuit Pushed by Trump Admin Could Mean Major Health Care Costs for Marquette County

An ongoing lawsuit -- supported by President Trump -- currently working its way through a circuit court in Texas has the potential to dismantle the Affordable Care Act in its entirety, potentially skyrocketing prescription drug and premiums costs and stripping millions of Americans off their health coverage. In Marquette County, Wisconsin, the potential ramifications of this lawsuit could be catastrophic.
During the 2019 open enrollment period, nearly 5% of Marquette County residents -- which has a total population of approximately 15,000 -- enrolled in an ACA plan through the healthcare exchanges. Of those residents, more than 85% received tax credits and cost sharing subsidies to help curb the cost of rising prescription drug prices and insurance premiums.
Health Care | Michigan
Lawsuit Pushed By the Trump Admin Could Leave Thousands in Macomb County Without Health Care

An ongoing lawsuit -- supported by the Trump Administration -- winding its way through a federal appeals court has the potential to dismantle the Affordable Care Act in its entirety, upending the economic security and well-being of millions of Americans in the process. In Macomb County, Michigan, that could spell disaster.
During the 2019 open enrollment period, over 30,000 Macomb residents enrolled in a plan on the exchanges, and since the passage of the ACA, over 58,000 residents have gained coverage under the law’s Medicaid expansion.
Health Care | Michigan
As Calhoun County Continues to Suffer From the Opioid Crisis, No Additional Federal Funding in Sight

Beginning in the 1990s, pharmaceutical companies -- such as Purdue Pharma -- assured doctors, patients and families that their new medication to relieve pain was non-addictive.
They lied.
Since the 90s, over-prescribed opioids, such as OxyContin and Vicodin, have flooded American households, taking hundreds of thousands of lives by overdose and fueling a public health crisis across the country. And recently, in regions like Calhoun County, Michigan, the opioid epidemic has taken a turn for the worse, leaving some to argue that not enough is being done at the federal level to address the crisis.
Health Care | Michigan
Trump Admin Turns Back on Lake County Residents, Local Public Health Crisis

Lake County residents are facing very real public health challenges, raising concerns about proposed federal budget cuts and their potential impact on residents in one of Michigan’s vulnerable counties.
According to the 2016 Community Health Needs Assessment issued by Michigan’s District Health Department #10, Lake County ranked 79th out of 83 counties on “health outcomes” -- a measure of how long people live and how healthy they feel while alive. In the same report, residents of Lake County ranked last of 83 counties across Michigan in how healthy they reported feeling.