Accountability | Florida
Curbelo Received Thousands from Lobbyists for Maduro and His Cronies
By Tyler Bilbo on November 4, 2018.

Rep. Carlos Curbelo recently called on his opponent to return a contribution from a Democratic congresswoman his spokesperson labeled a “Maduro and Castro sympathizer.” However, Curbelo, a Miami Republican, had no problem taking thousands of dollars from the Maduro regime’s American lobbyists.
Accountability | Florida
Curbelo Preaches Respect for Journalists but Took Thousands From Colleague Who Assaulted Reporter

In recent days, Rep. Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla., has criticized President Donald Trump’s vitriol toward the media, but campaign-finance records show Curbelo took thousands of dollars from a colleague who physically assaulted a journalist last year. In August. Curbelo took a $2,700 campaign contribution from Rep. Greg Gianforte, R-Mont., who was charged with assaulting a Guardian reporter attempting to ask him questions on the eve of a special election.