Health Care | Florida
Jason Brodeur “Very Proud” of Votes Against Medicaid Expansion, County Health Departments

During a recent interview with the Orlando Sentinel’s editorial board, Florida State Senate GOP candidate Jason Brodeur said he was “very proud” of his record in the Florida House of Representatives which included a vote against Medicaid expansion and votes that cut $174 million from the local needs budgets of county health departments, which are on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Economy | Florida
Trump’s Tax Cuts Boost Corporate Profits While Spurring Layoffs in St. Lucie County

President Trump’s marquee policy achievement, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, appears to be primarily benefiting giant, multinational corporations, and ransacking communities across America, like St. Lucie County, Florida, which has experienced a staggering rise of layoffs since the bill’s passage in 2017.
In 2017, 263 employees of Liberty Medical -- once the largest private employer in Port St. Lucie -- were laid off as part of a deal to liquidate its assets. And in the aftermath of Trump’s tax cut, Liberty Medical was acquired by Cardinal Health, a mammoth multinational healthcare corporation and 14th highest revenue generating company in the United States. Cardinal Health proceeded to report an increase of $2.6 billion in revenue due to Trump’s tax bill while having laid off the former Liberty Medical employees in St. Lucie.
Accountability | Florida
Trump Turns Back On Red Tide Crisis in Pinellas County

Red tide – the excessive growth of microscopic algae called Karenia brevis that is toxic in large concentrations – crashed into Pinellas County last year, leaving hundreds of tons of sea life dead and the local economy struggling.
And instead of working to protect the beaches of Pinellas County -- a key swing region that voted for President Trump by just 5,500 votes in 2016 – Trump has pursued policies that could make the problem even worse in the years to come.
Accountability | Florida
Thousands In Monroe County Could Lose Health Insurance From Trump Endorsed Lawsuit

If successful, an ongoing lawsuit winding its way through a federal appeals court -- and greenlit by the Trump Administration -- could rip apart the entire Affordable Care Act, potentially leaving millions of Americans without health care at all.
That includes thousands of Monroe County, Florida, residents who rely on the Affordable Care Act to help foot the heightened costs of health care expenses that have steadily risen under President Trump’s first term.
Accountability | Florida
Curbelo Received Thousands from Lobbyists for Maduro and His Cronies

Rep. Carlos Curbelo recently called on his opponent to return a contribution from a Democratic congresswoman his spokesperson labeled a “Maduro and Castro sympathizer.” However, Curbelo, a Miami Republican, had no problem taking thousands of dollars from the Maduro regime’s American lobbyists.
Accountability | Florida
DeSantis Ally Blames Pittsburgh Synagogue’s Former President for Massacre

Ron DeSantis ally David Horowitz on Monday blamed the toxic political culture that led to Saturday’s massacre inside a Pittsburgh synagogue on the synagogue’s former president.
Accountability | Florida
Records Raise Questions About Tax Dollars Paying for DeSantis’s 2016 Horowitz Speech

Ron DeSantis’s congressional office spent hundreds of dollars for travel around the time he attended a 2016 conference sponsored by a right-wing figure with a history of racist rhetoric, raising new questions about whether taxpayers paid for the trip.