Accountability | New Hampshire
NH Republican Don Bolduc Is Tied to Hate Group That Claimed George Floyd’s Murder Was Staged

In March, Republican New Hampshire Sen. candidate Don Bolduc appeared on a right-wing talk radio show hosted by the leader of a hate group whose members said this past week that George Floyd’s murder was staged. The group also posted a video claiming that Floyd was a gang member.
Accountability | North Carolina
Thom Tillis Promotes Hydroxychloroquine While Holding Stock In Its Producer

North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis has been promoting a dangerous and untested “miracle” drug, Hydroxychloroquine - which has not proven effective in remedying coronavirus - as he holds a major financial stake in several of its pharmaceutical producers, including Sanofi and Novartis.
Accountability | Texas
Dallas-Area GOP Lawmakers Left Nursing Homes Defenseless Against COVID-19

In 2017, as Texas faced a nursing home staffing crisis, three Dallas-area GOP State Representatives, Angie Chen Button (Dist. 112), Jeff Leach (Dist. 67), and Matt Shaheen (Dist. 66) voted against a critical bill that would have availed new funding to nursing homes, allowing them to hire staff and increase wages.
Trump’s Economic Task Force Loaded With Conflicts of Interests, CEO Mega-Donors

According to new FEC filings, several CEOs appointed by President Trump to help manage the White House task force to reopen the country previously donated millions to underwrite the president’s reelection campaign, raising questions about the ability of wealthy donors to buy access to influence federal policy during the COVID-19 crisis.
Accountability | Missouri
Parson Trumpets Success as Missouri Hospitals Enter Costly Bidding War for Protective Supplies

In a press conference on April 14, Missouri Governor Mike Parson claimed his administration has met the personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements of hospital and health care workers “day after day,” despite reports of an ongoing shortage of the materials as coronavirus spreads throughout the state.
Accountability | Virginia
Trump Hits the Links While Coronavirus Ravages America

According to reporting by the Washington Post, in late March the Secret Service signed a $45,000 contract to rent fleet golf carts in Northern Virginia near one of the president’s frequently visited golf courses in Sterling. Although the contract does not list the president by name in the rental, it is a near carbon copy of the previous orders used by the Secret Service for Trump’s golf visits in Florida and New Jersey.
Accountability | Michigan
Report: New Revelations Expose Trump’s Deepening Coronavirus Failure in Michigan

According to a new report from the Wall Street Journal, as late as February 2020 Trump’s General Services Administration (GSA) was auctioning off cases of N95 masks that are now in national shortage for health care workers who are treating coronavirus patients. This comes mere days after the president created the coronavirus task force and calls into question Trump’s control over the process and lack of concern he took regarding the fatal virus.