Accountability | North Carolina
Thom Tillis Promotes Hydroxychloroquine While Holding Stock In Its Producer

North Carolina Sen. Thom Tillis has been promoting a dangerous and untested “miracle” drug, Hydroxychloroquine - which has not proven effective in remedying coronavirus - as he holds a major financial stake in several of its pharmaceutical producers, including Sanofi and Novartis.
Trump’s Economic Task Force Loaded With Conflicts of Interests, CEO Mega-Donors

According to new FEC filings, several CEOs appointed by President Trump to help manage the White House task force to reopen the country previously donated millions to underwrite the president’s reelection campaign, raising questions about the ability of wealthy donors to buy access to influence federal policy during the COVID-19 crisis.
Accountability | Virginia
Trump Hits the Links While Coronavirus Ravages America

According to reporting by the Washington Post, in late March the Secret Service signed a $45,000 contract to rent fleet golf carts in Northern Virginia near one of the president’s frequently visited golf courses in Sterling. Although the contract does not list the president by name in the rental, it is a near carbon copy of the previous orders used by the Secret Service for Trump’s golf visits in Florida and New Jersey.
Corruption & Secrecy | New York
REPORT: While Downplaying Coronavirus Concerns Publicly, Trump Privately Urged Major Donor to Flee NYC

According to real estate sources as reported by the New York Post, President Donald Trump recently urged one of his major donors, 78-year-old real estate developer Stanley Chera, to “decamp to Deal, …saying it would be ‘safer’ than New York City,”...
Accountability | New Hampshire
Sununu Keeps Family-Owned Ski Operation Open During Coronavirus Outbreak

As New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu ordered restaurants and businesses to close their doors amid the ongoing Coronavirus outbreak, his family-owned ski operation has continued to keep its doors open as other ski slopes closed to prevent the spread of the highly infectious disease.
Trump Properties Flouted Coronavirus Quarantine Guidelines

Despite warnings by federal and local authorities, a litany of Trump-owned properties flouted Coronavirus guidelines days, even weeks, after the crisis had begun rapidly intensifying across the U.S.
Accountability | Colorado
Gardner’s Office Was A Revolving Door For Corporate, Pharma Lobbyists

Over the course of Colorado Sen. Cory Gardner’s public career, a dozen of his staffers beelined from his office into high-paying corporate lobbying roles - including stints lobbying for pharmaceutical giants such as GlaxoSmithKline and AstraZeneca - raising suspicions about Gardner’s continued silence on issues like capping prescription drug prices.