Trump Ad Uses Obama-Era Manufacturing Jobs Numbers; Companies Have Outsourced Under Trump

According to a review by American Ledger, a recent Trump campaign ad touts the return of 73,000 manufacturing jobs during Trump’s time in office but references a USA Today article that cites data from 2010-2018, an 8 year period that consists of 6 years of the Obama-Biden administration and only 2 years of Trump. Several of the companies mentioned in the article have actually closed manufacturing plants during President Trump’s time in office and are outsourcing jobs as a direct result of Trump’s trade and economic policies.
Moody’s Report: Biden’s Economic Agenda Better for Jobs, Growth Than Trump’s

According to a recent report by Moody’s Analytics, one of the most esteemed economic research organizations in the country, Joe Biden and the Democratic Party’s proposed economic agenda will lead to a significantly more robust and stronger economy than one under a second term of President Donald Trump.
Health Care | Florida
Jason Brodeur “Very Proud” of Votes Against Medicaid Expansion, County Health Departments

During a recent interview with the Orlando Sentinel’s editorial board, Florida State Senate GOP candidate Jason Brodeur said he was “very proud” of his record in the Florida House of Representatives which included a vote against Medicaid expansion and votes that cut $174 million from the local needs budgets of county health departments, which are on the frontline of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Corruption & Secrecy | North Carolina
Co-Host of Dan Forest Fundraiser Committed Misdemeanor Vote Buying

According to a review by American Ledger, a fundraiser for North Carolina GOP gubernatorial candidate Dan Forest pled guilty to a misdemeanor charge of vote buying after an FBI investigation in 1986. Forest has baselessly claimed there is widespread Democratic voter fraud, but will soon attend a fundraiser co-hosted by a Republican vote buyer.
Health Care | Missouri
Parson Ad Featured an Executive Whose Company Hawked Fake COVID-19 Cures

According to a review by American Ledger, Republican Governor Mike Parson released a campaign ad featuring an executive for a multi-level marketing company that was rebuked by the Federal Trade Commission for unlawfully advertising fake products that claimed to cure COVID-19.
The ad features Christy Shawan, a Regional Vice...
Parson Aided Future Donor By Gutting Voter-Approved Initiative As A State Senator

During his time as a state legislator, Republican Governor Mike Parson worked to gut puppy mill regulations, nullifying a ballot initiative passed by Missouri voters to benefit an out-of-state oil executive that later became a major donor to Parson’s campaign. Now, after Missourians voted to pass Medicaid expansion in August 2020, Parson’s willingness to gut voter-approved initiatives is coming under new scrutiny as the Governor of Missouri in 2021 will be tasked with expanding health care as mandated by the voters.
Health Care | Missouri
As a State Legislator, Parson Repeatedly Attempted To Block Missourians’ Access To Affordable Health Care

On three separate occasions during his time as a State Senator, GOP Missouri Governor Mike Parson attempted to ram through a series of health care bills specifically designed to prevent low-income Missourians from enrolling in the Affordable Care Act exchange.