Accountability | Arizona
McSally Repeatedly Voted to Cut Medicare and Social Security

In an interview with CNBC in January, President Donald Trump made clear his intent to cut Medicare and Social Security should he be reelected to a second term. “At some point they will be,” Trump said. “At the right time, we will take a look at that.”
Accountability | Arizona
McSally Didn’t Disclose Employers of Donors Who Have Given Her $2 Million Since 2017

Sen. Martha McSally’s last fundraising report did not disclose employment information for 84 different donors who contributed more than $60,000, adding to the $2.1 million reported without such information in the last two years and rehashing an issue from a past campaign that resulted in an audit by the Federal Election Commission.
Immigration | Arizona
These 12 GOP Senators Jeopardized $2.6B in Military Funding for Their States to Build Trump’s Wall

The Pentagon on Monday released a list of $6.8 billion worth of military-construction projects that could be scuttled to pay for President Donald Trump’s border wall, posing political issues for Republican senators who could see bases in their home states lose hundreds of millions of dollars. More than $2.6 billion of that funding would come from 12 states where Republican senators who supported Trump’s declaration are facing re-election next year.
Pentagon Refuses to Confirm McSally’s Claims That Border Wall Won’t Undermine Funding for Arizona Projects

Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., defended her vote against blocking President Donald Trump from diverting billions of dollars toward a wall on the southern border, saying the Pentagon assured her it wouldn’t impact military projects in her home state. But by Monday the Pentagon and the White House had not said which projects would be bumped in order to build the wall, raising the political stakes for McSally and other Republicans who will run for re-election next year after voting to take money from military projects.
Corruption & Secrecy | Arizona
McSally Embraced Trump, but Not His Pledge to ‘Drain the Swamp’

Since Donald Trump was elected, Rep. Martha McSally has voted to protect Trump and his political appointees from scrutiny while obstructing efforts to overturn Citizens United and stop the flow of dark money into politics, a review of her voting record showed. McSally, R-Ariz., now running for an open Senate seat, has even boasted that she votes with Trump more than any other Arizonan in Congress.
Accountability | Arizona
Fact Check: McSally Campaigned on Protecting Benefits and Consumer Privacy but Did Opposite in Congress

At a town hall in Sahuarita, Ariz., last year, Rep. Martha McSally was asked a yes-or-no question: Would she defend Social Security and Medicare?
McSally responded emphatically, “Yes,” and the audience cheered. But McSally’s record in Congress gave a different answer.
Despite promises to the contrary, the Republican who is now...
Accountability | Arizona
Fact Check: McSally Broke Major Promise to Keep Protections for Pre-Existing Conditions

After repeatedly promising Arizonans she would preserve protections for pre-existing conditions, McSally voted for the 2017 Republican plan to repeal the Affordable Care Act that would take away the guarantee prohibiting price discrimination for individuals with pre-existing conditions.